I have an obsession. I am in love with silhouettes. When I see them on pinterest it's like they call out to me. There's something so enticing about them. They feel so classic and traditional yet so modern at the same time. Yeah I pretty much love them.
And you know I'm a sucker for sentimental art like you can see from this post a couple months ago when my kids helped me make a cool art piece for the house. So this week I decided to make their silhouettes.
It was so much fun too! They were my cute little models. I had them stand very still and let me take a profile picture of them. I took the picture in front of a window when the sun was shining in. I wanted to see details on their profile really well.
It's funny even tho they are identical twins, they still look so different to me.
My older boys were so easy. My six month old boy, not as much. I don't think he ever stops moving! And he kept looking at me when I tried taking the picture. So I decided I'm gonna have to wait until a time my hubby is home to help me hold him. So baby silhouette project coming later!
So after you get your profile pictures, you upload them to computer. I used the free photo editor Fotoflexer because I don't have photoshop. I would love to get a photoshop program one of these days. But for now Fotoflexer works really well for me.
Fotoflexer has some nice effects you can apply to your photo. To do this project I decided to apply the sketch effect. It made a very obvious outline of the boys.
Next you print it out on cardstock paper, carefully cut them out and then paint them.
I put a plain white card stock paper in the background of them and framed them.

The end result is some cool looking silhouettes. They are fun and stylish yet soooo sentimental to me at the same time. It melts my heart every time I look at them. I can't believe my babies are little boys now.

Oh I also wanted to tell ya'll I just made a Facebook page for This Yellow House! You can check that out here.
So are any of ya'll as obsessed with silhouettes as much as I am? If we had any pets I would so do their silhouettes too!
Sharing with these awesome parties:
The Inspiration Board Link Party @ Carolyn's Homework
Sizzle into Summer @ DIY By Design
The Inspiration Board Link Party @ Carolyn's Homework
Sizzle into Summer @ DIY By Design
Share It Link Party @ The winthropchronicles chronicles
Wow Us Wednesdays @ Savvy Southern Style
We Did It! Wednesday @ Sew much ado
Well Crafted Wednesday @ The Well Crafted Home
Taylor House Thursday @ The Taylor House
Thursdays are your days @ 52 Mantels
Pin'Inspirational Thursdays @ The Artsy Girl Connection
Live, Laugh, {Linky} Thursday @ Live Laugh Rowe
Transformation Thursdays @ The Shabby Creek Cottage
Show me extraordinary @ The 36th Avenue
Creative Inspirations @ Embracing Change
Wow Us Wednesdays @ Savvy Southern Style
We Did It! Wednesday @ Sew much ado
Well Crafted Wednesday @ The Well Crafted Home
Taylor House Thursday @ The Taylor House
Thursdays are your days @ 52 Mantels
Pin'Inspirational Thursdays @ The Artsy Girl Connection
Live, Laugh, {Linky} Thursday @ Live Laugh Rowe
Transformation Thursdays @ The Shabby Creek Cottage
Show me extraordinary @ The 36th Avenue
Creative Inspirations @ Embracing Change